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Code of Ethics


As the Management of BIZIOS S.A., we believe that the steady growth of our business and consolidation of our good name in the domestic and foreign markets depends greatly on the trust we inspire in our customers and our trade partners, including suppliers. This trust must exist both in the relationship between management and personnel, and between members of staff.


To ensure this trust, a framework of operation has been established that incorporates the main rules-provisions of the Ethical Trading Initiative.


1. Employment is freely chosen.


There is no forced or involuntary labour. Employees are free to resign anytime they want, having given reasonable notice.


2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining


Employees have the right, without exception, to join or form trade unions of their choice and to enter into collective bargaining. (Law 1264/1982 and Law 1767/1988)


3. Health and Safety at work


We provide a workplace where all health and safety regulations are complied with, taking into account the prevailing knowledge in the industry. We take appropriate measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases by minimising (to the extent possible and within reason) the causes of hazard.


4. No child labour is used.


The company does not hire or employ children under 16 years of age. Young people between the ages of 16-18 may only be employed under an internship contract and never on night shifts or in hazardous conditions.


5. Living wages are paid


The national legal provisions apply to staff payroll as a minimum, as well as sectoral labour agreements, where applicable.


6. Working hours are not excessive


In any case, working hours comply with national law and collective agreements. All overtime needs to be voluntary. Total working time per week does not exceed 60 hours.


7. No discrimination is practiced


There are no discriminations in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement on the basis of race, social class, nationality, religion, age, possible disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, trade union membership or political affiliation.


8. Regular employment is provided


Every possible effort is made to ensure that the work is in accordance with legally recognised labour relations and customary practises. Obligations towards employees are governed by labour law and the laws on social insurance.


9. No harsh or inhuman treatment is allowed


Abuse or disciplinary measures with the use of violence, threat of their use, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation are prohibited.


10. Protection of the environment


We conduct our business in accordance with national laws, regulations, administrative practises and policies for the protection of the environment and related international agreements, principles, objectives, responsibilities and standards relating to the environment. We strive to conduct our business avoiding any burden on the environment. We take into consideration the environmental requirements of our customers.


11. Code of conduct


Our activities are conducted ethically by all employees, without engaging in bribery or any other kind of fraudulent business practises.


We are committed to observing these basic rules, being for us only the minimum, and not the maximum requirements. We are further committed to complying with the national and European laws, aiming at the best possible protection of the employee.


At BIZIOS S.A. we are committed to disseminating the code of conduct across the entire supply chain, to the degree we are permitted to do so.


12. Questions, Suggestions or Concerns


For any questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact us at our contact form, either by name or anonymously. All communication will be confidential.

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